In our latest episode of the Luli Health Podcast, we sit down with Sienna from Education for a Lifetime, an organization focused on providing healthy relationship education, to talk all about the difference between social media and reality as well as how media influences us.
social media vs. reality: Finding the truth about relationships behind the screen
In today's world, media has an undeniable influence on how we view relationships. From movies to social media, we're constantly bombarded with images, messages, and narratives, often portraying relationships in ways that are exaggerated or far from reality. One of the most common ways this happens is through the hyper-sexualization of love and romance.
Don’t Compare Your Reality to Movies
We’ve all done it at some point—watched a romantic scene in a movie and wondered why our love life doesn’t look like that. But here’s the thing: movies are designed to entertain. They're carefully scripted, edited, and packaged to create an emotional experience that often isn't realistic. Comparing our reality to the highly curated and fictionalized world of media can only lead to disappointment.
When we're consuming media, we're not just watching something; we're participating in it. Whether we realize it or not, the images, ideas, and messages are influencing our thoughts and our view of the world.
We Become What We Consume
One of the most important things to understand is that we are influenced by what we consume. As much as we may pride ourselves on being individuals, we’re not immune to the subtle (and not-so-subtle) effects of media. We start to mimic what we see, act in ways that align with trends, and adopt mindsets we may not have chosen consciously.
This desensitization can have a lasting impact. Think about how much content we consume daily, from news stories to Instagram feeds. The more we’re exposed to certain ideas, the more "normal" they seem. The danger lies in allowing media to dictate what we believe about ourselves, our relationships, and our worth.
Your Thoughts Shape Your Life
Your life is headed in the direction of your most dominant thoughts, and these thoughts are heavily influenced by what you consume. If you're constantly exposed to unrealistic portrayals of relationships or societal pressures to "keep up" with online personas, it’s easy to feel like you're falling short. This leads to unnecessary anxiety, particularly when social media becomes a mirror reflecting back insecurities.
Avoid the Trap of Comparison
Social media, in particular, plays a huge role in feeding our insecurities, especially as women. It's easy to scroll through your feed and see "perfect" lives—impeccable relationships, flawless bodies, endless adventures—and feel like you're not measuring up. But remember, these are curated highlights, not the full story. No one's life is as flawless as it appears online.
The constant comparison is a trap that only causes stress and anxiety. Instead of trying to fit into the mold of what’s trending or seeking validation through likes and comments, use social media as a tool for self-expression. Be unapologetically you.
Your Worth Isn’t Based on Likes
It’s essential to remind yourself that your value isn’t tied to how many likes you get or how popular you are online. Your worth is intrinsic. It’s in how you treat others, in the relationships you nurture, in the love you give, and in how you live your life authentically.
In a world where media constantly tries to shape our views of love, relationships, and self-worth, it’s more important than ever to stay grounded. Be mindful of what you consume, and don’t let the media lie to you.
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